Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Visiting Scholar, Rhine Research Center (

Those of you who were connected to parapsychology in the mid-1970s will remember the creation of the European Journal of Parapsychology, a journal that was published between 1975 and 2010. Here you will find PDF files of the content of volumes 19-25 (2004-2010) (

EJP 2010

Some examples of the papers published in these volumes are the following:

A. Goulding, J. Westerlund, A. Parker, & J. Wackerman (2004). The first digital autoganzfeld study using a real-time judging procedure. V. 19.

J. Palmer & V. Neppe (2004). Exploratory analyses of refined predictors of subjective ESP experiences and temporal lobe dysfunction in a neuropsychiatric population. 19.

I. Schmied-Knittel & M.T. Schetsche (2005). Everyday miracles: Results of a representative survey in Germany. 20(1).

M.A. Thalbourne (2005). Creative personality and belief in the paranormal. 20(1).

P. Stevens (2005). The effect of weak magnetic fields on a ranbom event generator: Reconsidering the role of geomagnetic fluctuations in micro PK studies. 20(2).

C.S. Alvarado, M. Biondi & W. Kramer (2006). Historical notes on psychic phenomena in specialised journals. 21(1).

R. Broughton (2006). Why do ghosts wear clothes?—Examining the role of memory and emotion in anomalous experiences. 21(2).

L. Storm & M. Barrett-Woodbridge (2007). Psi as compensation for modality impairment—A replication study using sighted and blind participants. 22(1).

C.A. Roe, S.J. Sherwood, L. Farrell, L. Savva & I. Baker (2007). Assessing the role of sender and experimenter in dream ESP research. 22(2).

H.J. Irwin (2007). The measurement of superstitiousness as a component of paranormal belief-Some critical reflections. 22(2).

C. Coelho, I. Tierney & P. Lamont (2008). Contacts by distressed individuals to UK parapsychology and anomalous experience academic research units—A retrospective survey looking to the future. 23(1).

C. Clarke (2008). A new quantum theoretical framework for parapsychology. 23(1).

W. Ambach (2008). Correlations between the EEGs of two spatially-separated subjects—A replication study. 23(2).

M.Y. Lau, G.S. Howard, S.E. Maxwell & A. Venter (2009). Does psi exist? A Bayesian approach to assessing psi ganzfeld data. 24(1).

C.G. Jensen & E. Cardeña (2009). A controlled long-distance test of a professional medium. 24(1).

S. Müller, S. Schmidt & H. Walach (2009). The feeling of being stared at: A parapsychological classic with a facelift. 24(2).

E.C. May, S.J.P. Spottiswoode & L.V. Faith (2010). A methodological issue in the study of correlation between psychophysiological variables. 25.

A. Parker & B. Sjödén (2010). The effects of priming of the film clips prior to ganzfeld mentation. 25.

Volumes 1-19 of the European Journal of Parapsychology are available through Lexscien: Library of Exploratory Science (, a subscription library which also includes other parapsychological journals such as the Journal of Parapsychology and the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, among others.