Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow, Parapsychology Foundation

On September 17, 2016, I posted about the Psi Encyclopedia, a project organized by Robert McLuhan on behalf of the Society for Psychical Research (for my blog click here). Since then, several other entries have been added, as you can see below.

Psi Encyclopedia

Robert Mcluhan 4

Robert McLuhan

The following are some of the new additions. I have arranged them by title (in alphabetical order).

Karen Wehrstein:  Adult Past-Life Memories Research

Stephen E. Braude: Antonia (Case Study Analysis)

Steve Braude 4

Stephen E. Braude

Peter Hallson: Ghosts and Apparitions in Psi Research (Overview)

Leslie Price: The Hodgson Report (Theosophy)

Carlos S. Alvarado: Human Radiations

Caroline Watt: Koestler Parapsychology Unit

Caroline Watt 2

Caroline Watt

Karen Wehrstein: James Leininger

Annekatrin Puhle: Extraordinary Light Phenomena

Annekatrin Puhle: Lucid Dreaming

Karen Wehrstein: Ma Tin Aung Myo

Lance Storm: Meta-Analysis in Parapsychology

Lance Storm

Lance Storm

Karen Wehrstein: Nazih Al-Danaf

Bernard Carr and Caroline Watt: Parapsychology PhDs in the UK (list)

Carlos S. Alvarado: The Phenomena of Astral Projection (1951)

James G. Matlock: Patterns in Reincarnation Cases


James G. Matlock

Renaud Evrard: Psi Research in France

Stephan Schwarz: Remote Viewing

James G. Matlock: Replacement Reincarnation

Carlos S. Alvarado: Richet’s ‘La Suggestion Mentale’

Carlos S. Alvarado 10

Carlos S. Alvarado

Rupert Sheldrake (compiled by Guy Hayward): The Sense of Being Stared At – Experimental Evidence

Rupert Sheldrake (compiled by Guy Hayward): The Sense of Being Stared At – Implications for Theories of Vision

Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake

Lance Storm: The Sheep-Goat Effect

Stephen E. Braude: The Super-Psi Hypothesis

Michael Nahm: Terminal Lucidity

Michael Nahm 2

Michael Nahm

Karen Wehrstein: Sharada

Stephen E. Braude: Transplant Cases Considered as Evidence for Postmortem Survival

As you can see the Encyclopedia keeps growing. I am glad to see more entries about important concepts such as the super-psi hypothesis and basic phenomena (ghosts and apparitions), not to mention topics from experimental parapsychology (sheep-goat effect, meta-analysis).

As I said before, there is a need for coverage of more experimental topics and modern researchers. But bear in mind this is work in progress. I am aware that the Encyclopedia editor, Robert McLuhan, is trying to get writers for many other topics, something that is not easy because, for various reasons, not everyone can write for the project.

I would like to end citing some comments Robert McLuhan sent to me in a recent email:

“The reincarnation section is developing strongly, which I’m pleased about, as I think this constitutes some exceptional evidence. We also have good recent pieces from Stephan Schwarz on Remote Viewing and from Adrian Parker on the Ganzfeld, and there will be more on the experimental side during the course of the year (DMILS, Experimenter Effects, Stargate, Replication Issues, etc). One project which I’ve been giving some thought to is to include profiles of contemporary researchers, which I hope will start to happen later in the year. “

“On the development side, there’ll be a few minor additions, for instance a function that lists articles written by particular contributors, and another that gives a handy citation for articles that authors can cut and paste into their writings. Now that we’ve built up a fairly substantial library of images, I’ve been giving thought to redeveloping the home page, making it more reflective of recent additions.”

“We’re not as busy on the publicity side as I’d like, simply for lack of time. So please do spread the word in any way you can, linking to articles on your posts, tweeting, etc. And I’m always happy to hear from people in the psi research community with comments and ideas.”

Ideas and suggestions may be sent to Mr. McLuhan here.